Welcome to CaféScientifique, Launceston
Next meeting:
Tuesday 12 November 7.00pm
at Eagle House Hotel, 3, Castle Street,
Launceston PL15 8BA
Dr Anya Burton
(Musculoskeletal Research Unit at the University of Bristol)
“Fractures in sub-Saharan Africa:
Epidemiology, Economic impact & Ethnography aka Fractures E3
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We are live streaming meetings but you must be on our emailing list to receive links
We have a CaféSci, Launceston Facebook Page
Go to facebook cafescilaunceston
Café Scientifique Launceston, founded in 2010 by Professor Colin Webb
MBE FRS, is a branch of the national Café
Scientifique network.
Meetings are held most months from February to November now downstairs at the Eagle House Hotel 3, Castle Street Launceston PL15 8BA at 7.00pm. After the talk by a guest speaker, there is a short break but in these post Covid times, no refreshments at the moment. The audience then reassembles for a question and answer session and general discussion. Anyone can ask a question and those which begin "This might be a stupid question but ……. ?" are positively welcomed.
Cafés are free..However, we hope that non-student members of the audience
will make a contribution of at least £5 to cover the hire of the venue
and equipment and the speaker’s travel expenses. This can be done online.
Contact us for the bank account details.
If you want to have a meal at the Eagle House before the meeting, please
contact the hotel direct.
If you are not already on our email list and you would like to be kept informed please use the Contact Us page to send us your email address. Suggestions for future talks are extremely welcome.
A list of Cafes for 2024 is posted on the Cafes Page.
More info on our News page